“Allah Akhbar!”


As the Stalin’s Operation Barbarossa began to lose momentum in the face of stiff Allied resistance and the West began to contemplate counterattacking, it became clear to all participants that the war was going to be a long one, and the eyes of planners on every side began to look elsewhere for weaknesses and ways to strike at their foe.

The oilfields of the Middle East were an obvious and immediate strategic objective for the Western Alliance and Soviet Holy Army, and powerful forces were dispatched there in the summer of 1954. Soviet forces bludgeoned their way into northern Iran in the face of stiff local opposition, whilst the Western Allies forced bridgeheads in Palestine and Saudi Arabia.

Faced with these threats, the Arab nations put aside their squabbles to unite under the fundamentalist Muslim cleric Mohammed al-Sabtheti, who claimed direct descendancy from the ancient hero Saladin (revered for having vanquished the Crusaders in the 11th century) and had vowed to repeat his forefather’s successes against these new invaders.

Certainly, the armies of the Jihad Pact (as the coalition was known) had some notable initial successes against the Western and Soviet forces, and were able to use their local knowledge and fanaticism to good effect when the Asian Communist Federation invaded in late 1954. Now the Pact fights to protect its valuable resources in the face of enemies from all corners of the globe.

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