Into The Combat Zone Pt. 2 – The Ginger Ninjas (& A Test Game)

As we wipe the sweat from our collective brows after last month’s rather epic battle report, let’s change scale, period and game type back into some (presumably) near future dystopian sci-fi skirmish as we show off our progress through the surprisingly comprehensive Combat Zone box set from EM4 miniatures… for the price of a cheese sandwich or a kiss on the kips with no tongue from GW, you too can own.. MANY miniatures, a rulebook, dice and scenery, everything you need for a campaign (which is also contained in the box.)

We’ve already covered the first squad of Corporate Troopers, so in this post we’ll be taking a look at the OPFOR, the Gangers.. in this instance the notorious Ginger Ninja faction – so named because all members have to show at least some bright orange in theor clothing, and the more orange you show, the higher your status in the gang.

This obviously presents it’s own tactical issues as there are few environments where this is going to be effective camouflage, but given it’s strong association with US prisons I thought it made for quite a good basis for an “outlaw” faction. Plus, of course, South Park:

As with the Corporate Troopers, I started off with grey priming, washed with thinned Smokey Ink and drybrushed with bone craft paint.. this should give a nice 3D surface to paint on, with shadows and highlights already taken care of in the underpainting stage. That way, nicely thinned paints should simply colourise your underpainted shadow/ highlight combination and you’ve already got the hard work done.

Should. I’m still not entirely convinced that it did.

Still, I’m quite pleased with the results – check them out!

Our glorious leader – “Go over there or I’ll cut you!”
The classic “Sword in the ponytail” look.. “What you say? I’m trying to shoot someone!”
There’s a fair bit of double denim going on here, but when you’re packing an automatic shotgun I doubt anyone’s going to call you on it..
The crew ready to roll out.

Orange was the Vallejo Hot Orange/ Red Ink combo, blues done with Wilko’s (RIP :-/) Duck Egg Blue overpainted with blue craft paint, browns with Vallejo Filthy Brown washed with Brown Ink.. a final very light drybrush with bone craft paint to make the highlights pop.. I also gave all the metallics a Vallejo Smokey Ink Wash to give the weaponry a dirty, beaten up look. Baddies don’t clean, what are you, a narc?Basing was the same recipe as the Corporate Troopers, so follow the link for that one.

We also managed to get the test game in (on an urban board that has seen better days, sadly :-/)

A pretty good ding dong back and forth, ended by a highly cinematic shootout and heroic charge into single combat by the Ginger Ninja’s leader! Once you’ve got your head around a couple of slightly counterintuitive basic points, the rattles along nicely – it will be interesting to see how this scales as we work through the campaign included in the box though, moving to larger battles.. still, only one way to find out, eh?

Stay safe and thrifty, and a belated happy Flag Day – SLAVIA UKRAINIA

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