The Greatest Game Ever! In Praise Of Heroquest Pt.2 – The Heroes!

Introducing our heroes:

Brian The Barbarian:

Dave The Dwarf:

Side by side with a friend (had to be done):

Willy the Wizard:

What I was aiming for vs what I managed:

Of course, regular readers (shout out to Roger, John, Pete, IRO, Whittlesey & the crew!) will remember how it was Willy’s unfortunate encounter with my hungover foot that brought on this decision to paint an otherwise (almost) mint Heroquest set.. happy to say that Willy survived surgery involving superglue and rapid dry PVA and is almost 100%..
As with the Undead contingent, I wanted to follow the box art as closely as possible – because you just don’t mess with the classics – and went with the trick of priming white and prewashing with Vallejo Smokey Ink.

Flesh tones were a mix of craft skin tone & Vallejo Skin Wash, browns were Vallejo Filthy Brown washed with Brown Ink, metallics were Mithril Silver over a black base and washed with Smokey Ink.. and everything got a unifying drybrush of craft bone – basing was the same trick as the Undead, brown and yellow washes over a white base (nicely scuffed by all the collateral painting damage up to this point), followed by a thin black wash, black drybrush and then a drizzle of dust and flock to tie them to the theme of aged flagstones.

Got to say, they look a bit cackhanded next to the box art – the LIDL version of ‘Eavy Metal painting – but given the startling decline in my short range eyesight over the past six months (go on, make the jokes) that was probably to be expected, and I reckon they pass the “Two Feet Away” test without too much trouble – really looking forward to our first game with everyone painted up, that’s going to be some next level regression/nostalgia right there.. so till then, stay thrifty and Slavia Ukraini..

The Coming Of The Chinese…

“the Chinese have come in, with both feet” – such was the announcment at UN headquarters during the Korean War when it was discovered that Chinese forces were fighting alongside the North Koreans as the UN troops pushed up the Korean peninsular.

And it seems appropriate here, as the Asian Communist Federation (led by China, but including Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos amongst others) are one of the “Big Fourfactions in the world of Apocalypse: Earth – much as in the real world, the Chinese in the A:E timeline spent the early part of the centrury battling Japanese invasions and each other before uniting under Mao Tse-Tung who was initially an ally of (and supplied by) Holy Soviet Emperor Djugashvilli, aka Tsar Josef I, (or “Stalin” to his mates).

However, the A:E version of the “Sino-Soviet split” occurred a fair bit earlier – after the initail Soviet invasion of Europe began to bog down and the Atlantic Alliance started to get involved supporting the European League nations, Josef I came to realise that even the Holy Soviet Empire didn’t have infinite amounts of soldiers and hardware, and began pressuring Mao to come into the war on his side. This backfired spectacularly and led to an ill-fated Holy Soviet invasion of China, with a Soviet combined arms army coming to grief on the Mongolian steppes (land war in Asia bad, who saw that happening?) and the Chinese uniting the Asiatic nations around them into the Asian Communist Federation…

Of course, just because they loathe the Holy Soviet Empire doesn’t mean they’re exactly best mates with the decadent round-eye Westerners of the European League or the Atlantic Alliance either, especially as plenty of those nations have colonies on what they consider their territory.. and so the stage is set for a truly apocalyptic war of everyone against everyone else, where nation doesn’t speak peace unto nation but more “hurls brick at other nations’ and calls their mum a slag”..

So after the Atlantic Alliance, Holy Soviets and European League have all got tabletop representation, it was high time to sort out the Chinese, being as we have now ironed out the kinks in the “2nd edition” rulebook and just need to sort the graphics before recruiting some of y’all out there for playtesting….

Here’s what we started with – 3 boxes of Caesar WW2 Chinese infantry:

We’re going with the idea of the ACF forces being very skilled light infantry, almost to the point of the Atlantic Alliance, but lacking heavy equipment and relying on strength in numbers.. and before the bots come in to say that we’re stereotyping, bear in mind that A:E is set circa 1955-56ish in this alternate timeline, and therefore is pretty closely modelled on the way the actual Chinese & North Korean armies fought in real life during the Korean War. Of course, they probably didn’t have Shaolin-trained monk assassins, but hey – it’s a game.

The ACF are largely infantry but obviously with this number of bodies, that’s going to take a while, but the armour contingent (based on obsolescent Holy Soviet designs… so that would roughly equate to WW2/ late 40s real world) painted up really quickly – two diecast T-34s (I think – that gun looks a bit more impressive) and two diecast BTR-152 APCs picked up at The Works (kind of a discount/ dollar store place spcialinsing in art supplies & kids books & toys, for our non-UK friends). These were pre-painted, so all they needed was a few washes of Vallejo Brown & Smokey Inks and a drybrush of bone craft paint, before some heavy sponge chipping (practicing ideological purity of thought doesn’t leave much time for maintenance) and then hit them with some DIY textuire paste made from PVA, brown paint and sand, mixed up and applied with an old brush to represent mud.

And here they are, ready to defend the pure, TRUE vision of international communism/ socialism/ political correctness:

BTR 152s
True equality means never having to wash your car
T-34? Or IS-2? Or a bit of a bodge of both?

So, with regard to playtesting, who fancies having a crack? The more brains we get on this, the better the end result will be, as there’s inevitably going to be stuff that me and Dan failed to think of – if anyone out there in hobbyland fancies giving it a try, let us know and we’ll email a PDF over to you… and when we get this out and released, the idea is to send 20% of all proceeds to Ukraine, so drop us a line!

The Biggest Small Project – Epic Blood Angels, 1991 Style

It’s back. And this time it’s slightly larger.

And AMAZINGLY expensive.

Yes, GW have relaunched Epic. And honestly, I’m so pleased. I mean, I have no intention whatsoever of buying it, but just like I have absolutely no intention of buying a Lamborghini I still like to coo at one when it goes past.

Of course, here at Skinflint Towers Epic never really went away – you may have seen some of our previous battle reports on the war-torn planet of Hazzard IV, the Redeemers Space Marine chapter, or the granny grating Imperial Guard, or the Squat Colossus built from an asthma inhaler…or the MONSTER that is Big Red… and you may remember we kicked 2023 off with a mega smackdown which featured all of the above. *SPOILER ALERT* – the Imperial side won, but the Squat contingent got absolutely battered while the Redeemers Veteran company hid in their Rhinos for a counterattack that never came..

We figured this would be likely to cause some political tensions (on our imaginary planet populated by imaginary races in an imaginary futue.. yes, we are ridiculous people) and this coincided by me acquiring some old 90’s White Dwarf PDFs from a Trove-style site (sadly defunct now :-/) and cooing at the luvverly luvverly teeny tiny Epic Blood Angels in issues 142 & 143… and getting a case of the “I wants”.

So to cool the tensions on Hazzard and to satisfy my inner child I set about stripping and repainting them, with the intent of re-creating the WD studio Blood Angels Army! And yes, I’m aware I had the same intent with the Epic Imperial Guard and Jim had the same with the Squats, but we are, as alluded to above, ridiculous people.

And so, to our ridiculous business we go.

I stripped the Warlord, Land Raiders and Rhinos in a Tupperware box using meths, THICK rubber gloves and an ancient toothbrush and once they were dry primed them white and pre-washed with thinned Vallejo Smokey Ink. Then, like their bigger cousins, they got thwo thin coats of Vallejo Hot Orange and a wash of Red Ink, before the metallic bits got based in black before drybrushing Vallejo Mithril Silver. Marine infantry got the same treatment, as did the Dreadnoughts and Robots I picked up off eBay.

So, pics so far then:

Assault detachment

Robot detachments

No. 2 Battle Company (missing a stand, not sure where those lads have got too..)
Land Raider company
No. 9 Devastator Company
The full force so far

There’s a fair way to go yet, including quite a few scratchbuilt Rhinos, Vindicators and Thunderhawks but I have a fairly good idea how I’m going to do them – it’s going to be a real treat getting these lads on the tabletop!

Now, we have a slightly odd request to make to all of our friends out there in hobbyland…. we’ve been busy getting the rules for version 2.0 of Apocalypse: Earth together, and it’s looking pretty solid now. However, because we’ve both been playing the game so long we’re both a bit snow blind when it comes to writing them down and what we could really do with is a few folks who wouldn’t mind playing a few games with the rulebook as is and telling us what we’ve missed, which bits don’t make sense.. essentially helping us edit it. Obviously we’re not in a position to pay anyone but we’re happy to give everyone a mention and a good plug on the site wherever possible. So if you fancy having a crack, DM us and we’ll send you a PDF.. and you can tell us what bits we’ve stupidly missed out! All help will be appreciated, and as Future Force Warrior and Hyperian Wars are basically the same sets of ideas reskinned for sci-fi and fantasy respectively, it’s going to help all that along. The plan is that once launched, 20% of all proceeds will be going to the DEC Ukraine appeal, so hopefully we can make a difference there if only a small one.

As always, stay thrifty out there – Slavia Ukrainia – our thoughts stay with you

The Greatest Game Ever! In Praise Of Heroquest Pt.1

Nostalgia is a wonderful thing. Particularly in a decade that has chosen to define itself so far through plague and war.. it’s easy to think back to earlier times and believe it was all better.

It’s bollocks, of course. Back in the 80’s, we were al going to die of HIV and AIDS and there was an actual Soviet Union with thousands of guns, tanks and ICBMs trained on us over the Berlin Wall. But you know what we had?


“I’ll use my broadsword”… well, quite.

Dan and I both have Heroquest as a major part of our childhood memories, and I’m willing to bet a fair few of you out there do too, and so it was with much wondermemnt that I unwarapped a promising looking box a birthday or two ago from my other half and discovered a magnificant specimen…

Box, cards, furniture, miniatures all present and correct. What a find. And everything in pretty much mint condition.

We’ve had a few games and although I had initially fancied painting it all up, I began to veer towards the “keeping it mint” point of view, as let’s be honest, this is a piece of history right here. So Brian the Barbarian, Eric the Elf, Dave the Dwarf and Willy the Wizard undertook their first few quests au naturel. However, my hand was forced somewhat after I made the mistake of leaving a game out on the floor and the following morning the intrepid band of adventurers suffered their first casualty – not from Orcs or Goblins or the powers of Chaos but from my foot, as I trod on poor Willy and broke him in two.

Dan was pretty philosophical about it, needless to say – “They’re not mint anymore then. You might as well paint them.”. And he was right.

Thankfully Willy underwent surgery involving superglue and a bit of greenstuff and is now fully restored to health, but I took it as a sign! And first on the block were the Undead, as I figured I should get my eye in painting the easy stuff first.

These were a white prime and prewash with thinned Vallejo Smokey Ink – which I find is a phenomenally useful trick now I’m getting older and a bit Mr. Magoo – then craft tan, wash with brown ink and a couple of layers of drybrushing with tan and bone to bring out he details. Metallics were Vallejo Mithril Silver washed with Brown Ink to make them look weathered and beaten, and for the bases I went with the “leopard spot” technique of splodging yellow and brown on the base, before washing it all with thinned black baint and then drybrushing up. Final touches were a bit of flock and some Garage Floor Dust (TM) drizzled on the bases to make them look suitable ancient and dusty.

With box art for comparison – stuck as close as I could to the originals here… you wouldn’t mess with the solo to “Stairway To Heaven” would you? So you don’t mess with these…

Willy, Brian, Eric & Dave are up next after their varnish is dry, then it’s on to the Orcs & Goblins and of course the furniture – and we’re both stupidly excited about giving this a go with everything painted, just to see the difference it makes! So we’ll be bringing you a battle report in the not-too-distant future… Meanwhile there’s something else brewing out in the shed, so stay tuned, stay thrifty and we’ll see you soon!

That Was Still Another Year That Was – The Inevitable Great Hobby Retrospective of 2023!

Le me blow your mind here. It’s the MID-2020’s X-O. How the hell did that happen? Well, with New Year’s hangovers gradually receding and the faintest hints of my toes reappearing under a belly strained to bursting point with mince pies, wine & (hopefully) medicinal whisky, let me see if I can pin down exactly where the bloody hell 2023 went…

Of course, we all know about the miserable international situation- but given that in early ’22 I was primed for the Threads– style end of the world scenario, it could still be a damn sight worse… against all the odds the Ukrainians are still hanging in there and have managed to chase the Russian Black Sea Fleet away from their attempt to starve half the world despite not technically having a navy, for example, so there are very definitely nuggets of hope to cling on to.. as long as our great and wise leaders don’t choose to suddenly snatch defeat from the jaws of victory… and who knows, maybe if the IDF actually do manage to stamp out Hamas once and for all then maybe the Middle East can start to find a modicum of peace for once and all the poor bastards caught in the crossfire can actually be left alone to live their lives… but that’s as political as I’m getting right now. Y’alls didn’t come to be lectured.

But you DID come to see some toy soldiers, right?

In respect of Dan’s birthday, I managed to track down the latest iteration of a skirmish game that we’d both been hunting for for many a year, which yielded up a couple of great fun little games and some painting tips – we even managed a YouTube video.. and there’s a chance we might manage some more, more on that later…

We kicked off with old school 2nd Ed Space Marine action as conflict tore apart the world of Hazzard with the BIGGEST Epic game we’ve run yet – Redeemers, DIY Guard and Squats held the line against a horde of howling greenskin scum (who have subsequently been reinforced) – and (spoilers) it did.. just… but with a twist that may yet cause further ructions on that tormented world…

We also had great plans for our slow-burning 2nd Ed 40k campaign, cranking out a fair bit of suitably retro terrain, but failed to advance the story much (although you can’t beat the look of Goblin Green bases hitting the tabletop) – however, both the Blood Angels and Black Ork Cav have received some reinforcements (and shout out to Roger from the splendid Rantings From Under The Wargames Table for the very generous gift of MANY BITZ, one of which was used in this build!), and Dan has plans that involve clothes pegs to finish off the few remaining elements of the 3rd Company – which should be interesting…

And then there were our own systems. Atlantic Alliance vs Holy Soviet Empire is still too near the knuckle for either of us to actually enjoy it, but we DID throw down a newly reinforced League Of European Nation against the Atlantic Alliance, throwing a spotlight on some of the fringe conflicts of the Apocalypse War.. before we got into Hyperian Wars, which has been steadily escalating all year before culminating in an almighty conflagration currently taking place in the shed!

I should also give honourable mentions to one or two projects that might not have made the blog – my Epic Squat Goliath Mega Cannon built from a pen, repaints on a couple of scenery pieces… including a newly upcycled satellite dish made from a now defunct satnav holder:

and of course our now traditional Star Wars Epic game, reinforced with an air wing and new infantry! With the advent of GW’s Legiones Imperialis and Mantic’s own Epic game it looks like teeny weeny scale games are very much back on the horizon, so nice to be in the mix!

So what’s on the agenda for 2024? Well, there’s a fighting chance we might have some rules published (currently sitting in PagePlus being spellchecked and rewritten)- but in the meantime, plenty of playtesting, plenty of scratchbuilding… and we’re going to start with a game that kick started many folks’ hobby careers.. what could that be?

What indeed…

So that’s our 2024 (roughly) planned – what about you guys? How about our friends out therein hobbyland? Drop us a line and let us know!

Into The Combat Zone Pt. 3 – The First Battles!

Winter has come to Ye Olde England, and with it the desire to shift game night from the shed to the more civilised and centrally heated realm of the kitchen table – and when one chooses to sacrifice space for warmth and ready access to the drinks cabinet, that means smaller skirmish games become the order of the day.

In anticipation of this – because, as it turns out, winter actually happens every year – Dan & I acquired a game we’d long tried to hunt down, EM4 Miniatures’ Combat Zone, and after our YouTube debut and painting the forces of the Corporate Troopers and the Ginger Ninja street gang, it was high time to get these lads out on the table top and start working our way through the mini-campaign outlined in the rulebook. And so, for your delectation, here is a run down of the first couple of games! The plot (such as it is) centres around the street gang trying to ensure their survival by acquiring some new heavy weapon-toting robots, and in the first two games the Ninjas would be trying to break into the warehouse where a damaged machine was being stored with the intent of nicking it.

Game 1: Operation Security Strike

This would involve two mobs of gang members trying to shut down the alarm system in oder to allow their comrades to get into the robot warehouse, with the Corporate Troopers of Bionetica Inc. trying to stop them:

The photos are a bit of a jumble on this one, but basically one mob tried to keep the Troopers heads down while the second made a dash for the alarm – unfortunately for the gang, the Troopers were a bit too well disciplined and devastated the first group resulting in everyone piling hell for leather into the area where the alarm was, with the surviving handful of gangers attempting a desperate and fruitless last stand… ending with a wonderfully cinematic moment when Trooper Wyler, whose mate Staples had been the first to fall to ganger fire, swooped in and shot the sole remaining ganger through the head at point blank range!

The Ginger Ninjas attempt to engage the Troopers from behind cover..
Troopers hit the deck (the ones lying on their front are Dropped Down, lying prone – but poor old Staples takes one through the chest and goes down hard!)
As the casualties pile up, the gang decide to hell with the plan – everybody forward!
Into the warehouse – the objective is in sight…
Trooper Zukovik goes up close and personal!
It’s too much for Ringer, who bottles it and Routs!
“Eat this!” Sergeant O’Connell brings the pain to Klingfilm (seriously X-D)
An illustration of the efficacy of Ganger supporting fire….
Klingfilm goes down – that double denim look just doesn’t cut it out on the streets
It’s all over – Sergeants O’Connell and Anderson survey the scene… 3 troopers down but the Ginger Ninjas are annihilated!

Game 2: Robot Robbery

Despite the failure of their comrades to stop the alarm being sounded, there was no going back for the Ninjas, and the second game had them trying to get one of their three Techs (Nancy, Wing Nut & Hard Drive) into the warehouse where the damaged Enforcer mech was being held… we managed to do an even worse job on the photos here, suffice it to say once again it don’t go well for the Ninjas who left most of their number on the battlefield.. still managed to drop a couple of Bionetica Corporate Troopers but by the time the Techs had made it to the warehouse, they were pretty much on their own…

Having activated the Enforcer, Nancy climbs up on it’s frame for cover as her remaining gang members fall to Corporate Trooper fire…
It takes the combined fire of three Troopers at close range to bring her down, but bring her down they do!

So that’s 2-0 to the Troopers and given how badly mauled the Ninjas got, I’m wondering how well playtested these scenarios were… but s till, it was great fun to play and when you’ve got your head around the mechanics, Combat Zone is a LOT of fun as a pick up and play skirmish game – so we’ll be making our way through the rest of the campaign and seeing how it all unfolds as the nights continue to draw in and get colder…

Stay thrifty out there, we’ll be seeing you soon!

Crossing The Rubicon Nostalgius Pt. XII – BIG. RED.

Betcha thought I’d forgotten about these lads, didn’t you 😉

OK, I’ll admit, we are no stranger to big red things here. But this particular one…

WAAAAAY back in the mists of time, when humble old COVID seemed like the apocalypse, I acquired a haul of Space Marines off eBay with the intent of creating the Blood Angels 3rd Company army from WD 139. And one of those vehicles – albeit not one that I think they ever got round to painting – was the Land Raider.

Now, a modern bog standard vanilla Land Raider kit will set you back… (checks GW website) £55. That’s almost a gallon of petrol. Bugger that.

Enter Paperhammer! This particular template was downloaded from In The Grim Cheapness STC Archive (a Mk 1, obvs), printed out onto paper and glued to cereal box cardboard. I followed the instructions as best I could fathom them (cheating a but with the smoke launchers and exhausts, going with copped up drinking straws for those), until we got to the sponson lascannons.. I had such plans for them, an ingenious double pivot system based around spare 25mm bases and cocktail sticks… But in the end, they failed to survive contact with the real world – so I went with Foam ex, detailed with cardboard squares, glued on kebab skewers and added card on the end of the barrels… and off to the shed for priming we went.

It begins…
It continues…
Application of nylon tulle to make grating.. NOT recommended without alcohol on standby
Now with tracks, guns & detailing – thanks Roger for the heavy bolter
OG or bust
Carbon neutral…?

Primed white (natch) prewash with Smokey ink and then covered the whole thing with Vallejo Hot Orange and washed with Red Ink, and a mix of craft red thinned with red ink and matte medium. Came out a little darker than the Rhinos in the end – as I’m too thick to have thought about keeping one of them on hand for reference – but pleasingly crimson nonetheless. And I can always give a wash to the Rhinos too.

A shout out to Roger from Rantings From Under The Wargames Tablehis very generous gift of MANY BITZ to us earlier in the year included a heavy bolter which I added to the command hatch for extra Rogue Trader vibes and authenticity. Thanks again Roger!

Here you can see the grill – glued the tulle to the cardboard, then more card over the top, then painted the area black and drybrushed silver. It’s a pretty cool effect but I’m buggered if I’m doing it too many more times…

Pics with the rest of the lads:

Don’t look too closely at those flags :-/

Got to admit, it took a while to get this put together but it’s made a great centrepiece for the lads and it’ll come in very handy when the Blood Angels eventually make their final assault on Orklahoma City! Til next time, stay thrifty and we’ll see you soon.

More Hyperian Wars Escalation! DIY Virum Nascii Death Roller

Time marches ever onwards, and it’s startling to realise that the big Hyperian Wars game we’re currently prepping for was one we actually planned to play over the summer holidays… oh well!

You’ve already seen the 301st Skyborne with their new reinforcements and superheavy, Dan’s Waagh-Ghazhrag horde have their big new heavyweights, there’s something due for the Ancien Regime but for now here’s something for everyone’s favourite chittering treacherous hordes, the vile Ratmen – the Virum Nascii (who are absolutely nothing to do with GW’s Skaven, we’re sure)

Now, originally I had planned to make a Doomwheel – and had gathered peanut butter jar lids accordingly – but I just couldn’t get anything together that looked right, so I decided to toss the idea and come up with something that fulfilled the same role but looked a bit cooler – inspired more than slightly by this post from the Fawcett Avenue Conscripts blog.

However, while the Doomwheel was too dopey, a rat-tank just didn’t seem quite dopey enough for Ratticus and the crew, so I hit upon the idea of a roller pushed by a weird scrap construct firing Vril-lightning.. functionally identical to the Doomwheel, but hopefully cooler looking.

I even sketched out a rough concept drawing – I know, check me out! – and then it was time to hit the Pile Of Interestingly Shaped Crap.

Yep, that’s an asthma inhaler. Again. And a pepper pot, and a pair of milk carton lids. My house is a ridiculous place at times.

Cardboard added for the “Horned Rat” superstructure, and kebab skewer for the Vril-lightning cannons
Padding out the booty with corrugated cardboard…
Details added! Cardboard strips, blobs of PVA dotted on with a cocktail stick to represent rivets and superglue tube lids for the cannons… you may also notice the tail (!) which was a wire tie thingy, and the cocktail stick legs… why have wheels when you can walk, right?
By this point, the Muse had taken me!!! So after having glued everything I had to hand to everything else I had to hand, I left it and when to bed….
Yep, that’ll do! Out to the shed for priming – attempting this zenithal business again, so a grey base dusted from above with white….

…and then a brain fart, as either I didn’t take any more photos, or I did and managed to delete them.. but here we are with the finished product:

Of course, flags are now de riguer in our Hyperian Wars armies…
Side shot…
Showing off the junk in the trunk.. in fact, that’s a mechanical tail capped with a Vril tipped blade, so this thing should be a beast in close combat!
And here with the rest of the crew, Lord Ratticus’ horde….

So there we go, one new grand war machine for the Virum Nascii to match the Dauntless Redux and the Orca War God…. just the Ancien Regime to get tooled up and that’ll be everyone!

You’ll be glad to hear that Hyperian Wars now actually exists as a PagePlus DTP file – a whole 7 pages already! So there actually is a chance that we might finally get around to publishing this one before the heat death of the universe and/or the release of Legiones Imperialis… so till next time, stay thrifty and Slave Ukrainia!

#Orktober 2023

Can someone explain to me how the HELL it’s October?? I know it’s an age thing, but this is ridiculous – I’m still writing 22 on the end of dates…

Still, enough griping – October is Orktober, and we’ve been preparing! Let us begin by turning our attention to Da Black Ork Cav – I’ve gone for a bit of low hanging fruit as time has been something of an issue, and finished up the second battlewagon that I started last year (!) and a bit of extra terrain for Orklahoma City… wanna see? Course you do!

Classic RT/ 2nd Ed vibes right there, and it didn’t cost a penny!
Engine compartment – got to be a hemi in there, right? No Net Zero pledges for da boyz…
Ran put of lollipop sticks detailing the wheels so had to make do with cardboard strips…
All set and ready for priming!
Attempted a zenithal prime – white over grey… still not entirely sure of this yet! Dinosaur in the corner is Dan’s project, I’ll let him tell you about that 😉 Painting was otherwise the same as last year’s model

And now, let’s check out the terrain:

So what we have here is a multivitamin container, thin cardstock glued over the top, rivets added (PVA blobs added with cocktail stick). kebab skewer legs, lolly stick walls mounted on FoamEx base with texture sprinkled on to PVA painted onto the base..
Nicely ramshackle, I think!
Primed black and ready for paint!

OK, and now let’s take a look at the whole lot formed up and ready:

New arrival on the left hand side, next to Da Dread.. Orklahoma City HQ providing the backdrop!
Water tower all painted up – ain’t she purrty?
‘TEN-SHUN!! Da Black Ork Cav, ready to roll out…

So that’s #Orktober started, how are you all doing out there in hobbyland? Let us know! We’ll be back with more soon, so stay thrifty out there!

Armies On Parade (Hyperian Wars) – The Grand Alliance 301st Skyborne

In this great coalition of nations, there are those amongst our populace who rail against the use of force, who would offer the hand of friendship to monstrosities such as the Orca or the Dead.. those who would see us lie down naked and supplicant in the face of the Virum Nascii. To those in our parliaments and cabinets who question the need for the forces we maintain, I would ask them to look a charging Orca in it’s hate-filled red eye and convince it of the justice of our cause. I would ask them how we should use “soft power” and “social justice programs” to defend against a murderous tide of Ratmen bent on destruction, death and enslavement. I would ask by what means of deterrence would we keep the Cousin Races of the Ee’la and Stoc’d from turning upon us. How we might keep in check the dogmatic religious zealots of the Ancien Regime kingdoms from upending our cherished democracies.

I would remind these people, as they sit in safety and comfort, pondering abstract matters of state.. I would remind them that they have that privilege only so long as rough men stand ready to deliver violence on their behalf. I would remind them that such privilege is bought solely with the blood and bravery of the Skyborne!

Back to our steampunk/fantasy world of Hyperia, and here we are looking at the newly reinforced detachment of the Grand Alliance faction – a loose coalition of floating cities and islands spread across the western hemisphere of Hyperia, bound together by mercantilist tradition and by far the most technologically advanced of the human factions, even if the more esoteric elements of Vril lie beyond their grasp.

Not bound to the rank & file regiment system of all the other powers, the Skyborne Infantry are all able to operate as skirmishers and with hefty firepower are able to punch well above their weight numerically, particularly given their “Mad Minute” special training, although when enemies can get in close in numbers, things get sticky quickly

These lads have been in the blog before, but they’ve been given a new Dauntless, some Whippets, a nicer basing job and crucially some flags so I thought it’d be nice to give them an airing as they’ve been part of the Hyperian Wars project right from the start.. so, pics:

Lt. Caruthers leads the 301st forward
The lads in parade order – the command section featuring Lt. Caruthers, his ADC, Tactical Identification Device (aka flag) Bearer, signaller (chap with 2 flags), mortar, Enchantment Denial Device crew and an Artificial…

Behind them are the grunts, 3 nine man rifle sections each commanded by a sergeant, and behind them is the heavy support – three FV1066 Whippets (Willie The Wimp, Winifred, Walter) and the Dauntless Redux (with her crew pictured in front of her).. there were a couple of casualty figures left over which I painted up as objective markers.
Willie The Wimp leads the Whippet squadron forward
The Dauntless Redux
Casualty figures
Close up of the command section
Artificial – made from a couple of cocktail sticks and card.. close up of the Enchantment Denial Device crew, which in-game provides a degree of defence against magickal powers.
The grunts – old hands may recognise these as Airfix British WW1 infantry

Not to give too much away, but there’s probably going to be an uptick in Hyperian Wars content over the next few weeks as the slow burn “campaign” comes to a head… Stay thrifty out there and see you soon!