The Greatest Game Ever! In Praise Of Heroquest Pt.1

Nostalgia is a wonderful thing. Particularly in a decade that has chosen to define itself so far through plague and war.. it’s easy to think back to earlier times and believe it was all better.

It’s bollocks, of course. Back in the 80’s, we were al going to die of HIV and AIDS and there was an actual Soviet Union with thousands of guns, tanks and ICBMs trained on us over the Berlin Wall. But you know what we had?


“I’ll use my broadsword”… well, quite.

Dan and I both have Heroquest as a major part of our childhood memories, and I’m willing to bet a fair few of you out there do too, and so it was with much wondermemnt that I unwarapped a promising looking box a birthday or two ago from my other half and discovered a magnificant specimen…

Box, cards, furniture, miniatures all present and correct. What a find. And everything in pretty much mint condition.

We’ve had a few games and although I had initially fancied painting it all up, I began to veer towards the “keeping it mint” point of view, as let’s be honest, this is a piece of history right here. So Brian the Barbarian, Eric the Elf, Dave the Dwarf and Willy the Wizard undertook their first few quests au naturel. However, my hand was forced somewhat after I made the mistake of leaving a game out on the floor and the following morning the intrepid band of adventurers suffered their first casualty – not from Orcs or Goblins or the powers of Chaos but from my foot, as I trod on poor Willy and broke him in two.

Dan was pretty philosophical about it, needless to say – “They’re not mint anymore then. You might as well paint them.”. And he was right.

Thankfully Willy underwent surgery involving superglue and a bit of greenstuff and is now fully restored to health, but I took it as a sign! And first on the block were the Undead, as I figured I should get my eye in painting the easy stuff first.

These were a white prime and prewash with thinned Vallejo Smokey Ink – which I find is a phenomenally useful trick now I’m getting older and a bit Mr. Magoo – then craft tan, wash with brown ink and a couple of layers of drybrushing with tan and bone to bring out he details. Metallics were Vallejo Mithril Silver washed with Brown Ink to make them look weathered and beaten, and for the bases I went with the “leopard spot” technique of splodging yellow and brown on the base, before washing it all with thinned black baint and then drybrushing up. Final touches were a bit of flock and some Garage Floor Dust (TM) drizzled on the bases to make them look suitable ancient and dusty.

With box art for comparison – stuck as close as I could to the originals here… you wouldn’t mess with the solo to “Stairway To Heaven” would you? So you don’t mess with these…

Willy, Brian, Eric & Dave are up next after their varnish is dry, then it’s on to the Orcs & Goblins and of course the furniture – and we’re both stupidly excited about giving this a go with everything painted, just to see the difference it makes! So we’ll be bringing you a battle report in the not-too-distant future… Meanwhile there’s something else brewing out in the shed, so stay tuned, stay thrifty and we’ll see you soon!

5 thoughts on “The Greatest Game Ever! In Praise Of Heroquest Pt.1

  1. Great stuff! Those undead look great. Good luck with the rest of the minis. When I painted mine a few years ago I had Kellar’s Keep and Return of the Witchlord too, so got painting fatigue from painting so many greenskins! I think I ended up with 16 orcs and 12 goblins.

    I assume we’ll be seeing a quest report in the future? 😀

    Liked by 2 people

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