Crossing The Rubicon Nostalgius Pt. 7 – Captain Tycho!

Happy holidays one and all! Wherever you are out in the blogosphere let me begin by wishing you good cheer this festive season, and may you all successfully dodge the Omicron variant…

This is going to be a short one because neither Jim or I have done a great deal of hobby stuff over the last couple of weeks as we’ve been making up for the misery of last year’s Christmas by doubling up on the drink and merriment for this year… that said, I have managed to get something done on my 1991 Blood Angels Tribute Act.

No Space Marine force is complete without a heroic leader – and I mean that literally, as the Codexes don’t allow it – and I’ve got one sorted for mine now. Here is Captain Tycho, 1991 style!

Mmm, shiny (cheers for the pics, Whittlesey!)

Now, here’s the one I cobbled together from what I had to hand:

I’m going to claim he looks vaguely festive, as he does look like an animated (and righteously furious) bauble… Goblin Green bases seem to do that.

It’s also increasingly obvious that I should have been painting these guys as Space Wolves as there are all sorts of wolfy trinkets hanging off him as well as other Marines… but I’m going to explain this away as the force having served alongside some Space Wolves and having been rewarded with some ornaments as a sign of good faith between these two. I also like the idea of a Space Vampire and a Space Viking slamming back some Space Brews in Space….

“Fething love you, Brother…. Hic”

Yellow is known for being a nightmare to do, so here’s my secret – cheat. White primer, preshade with thinned Vallejo Chestnut ink wash (this is quite handy as it helps outline what bit is where, which is useful when you’re as old and blind as I am) – and then just cheap yelow craft paint over the top. Chestnut ink wash and then mix some bone into the yellow to start to highlight up. I did some edge highlighting on the tops of the shin pads and some armour plates, but the clever stuff was drybrushed, I don’t have the eyes, skill or patience for anything more involved. Other than that I simply tried to follow the pattern on the 1991 original, doing the black with Vallejo German Grey washed with black ink and drybrush with a lighter grey.. For the bases I painted on PVA and dunked it in sand but in order to make it easier to paint I did this BEFORE priming.

Hoping to get him on the table pretty soon assuming Omicron doesn’t cause the downfall of human civilisation and the end of life as we know it… in the mean time, stay safe, healthy and thrifty and we wish you the Happiest of New Years!

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