May The 4th Be VERY Belatedly With You – DIY Epic Star Wars Reinforcements, 2024 Edition!

Bet you thought we’d forgotten about this, right? Well, for shame, a Skinflint tradition is a sacred bond of trust!

It’s just we’ve been a bit busy 😉

So, we concocted a plan – this year’s Epic Star Wars game would also pay homage to the 80th anniversary of D-Day (in our own weird way – just like we did with Operation TYRANT back in The World That Was of 2019) and feature an amphibious landing, similar to the Scarif assault in Rogue One. So the Rebels would be trying to force their way ashore to an Imperial base, and the Imperials would naturally enough be trying to stop them… this required us to knock up a few reinforcements for both sides.

For the Imperials, a platoon of Dark Troopers (super duper elite stormtroopers, whose guns – for the purposes of this game at least – also had the ability to bring down aircraft):

Dark Troopers accompanying Lord Vader

And I expanded the squadron of 3 AT-PTs out to a full company of 10:

For the Rebels, because they were doing the assaulting and would almost certainly take heavier casualties, they got an extra company of infantry, Han AND Chewie, a flight of 3 Airspeeders and I expanded the X Wing squadron to a full 9 ship air wing:

Air Speeders – essentially the A-10 of the Star Wars universe
Red, Blue and Gold Squadrons fly CAP for the Rebel army

Now, you’ve already seen how we made the X Wings, infantry and mechs, so here’s a little how-to on the Airspeeders:

Cereal box shapes for the wings, foamboard blocks carved for the fuselage
Laser cannons from granny grating (what else), straw lengths cut for the engines. After this I glued a strip of card over the top but apparently I didn’t take any pics of that…

Out for white priming in the shed and then your standard Wilko Granite Dust -Green Wash – brown was – black wash scheme with squadron markings in Vallejo Hot Orange:

And the result….

And before we leave you, a couple of beauty shots of both expanded armies in all their glory!

Lord Vader musters the troops..
Rebel Scum, assemble!
Our heroes – left to right, Chewie, Han & Luke (who’ll be sitting out the upcoming fight in an Imperial prison cell)

If you follow us on Twitter you’ll already have seen the pics of the truly EPIC (no pun intended) battle that took place when Han & Chewie led the all-out assault to rescue Luke.. stay tuned, we’ll be writing that one up over the next week or so. Stay thrifty out there and Slavia Ukrainia

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