Cheaphammer 40k: Da Skooderia Pt. 2

Last year, I came up with the idea of doing an Ork warband for 40k in 1/72 – Da Skooderia and knocked together an army list from some old copies of Waargh The Orks.. Yep, the Rogue Trader era!

I’d always had a fondness for the Evil Sunz clan as a kid, the idea of red painted, greenskinned lunatics lurching across the battlefield in piles of junk held together by simple Orky will, so that set the initial feel. Red Wunz Go Fasta!

And what else is red?


Oh yes.

And thus was born – Da Skooderia Ferrorki! Led by Warboss Enzo Ferrorki, along with Chief Big Mek Mikal Shoomorker, these vagabonds terrorise the southern sector of the Imperium (including the world of Hazzard… more on that another day!)

Now, finally, we have some minis!


Da Wagon! Based on an old Airfix SPG, lots of card and cocktail sticks and glue to make it proper “Hairodynamik”, like


Boyz mob, with multi melta







Close up of da boyz mob


Group shot!

Da boyz are Caesar fantasy orcs :


With greenstuff and small arms courtesy of these guys:

Sgts Mess

I’ve gone for a mix of Russian and British small arms – boyz with AKs and SLRs, with 40 or so figures for about £8 this means the whole force should set me back less than £20… what’s not to like?!?

We’ll knock up some rules in Apocalypse: Earth for these guys – there’s a follow on game planned bringing the Cold War INTO SPEHSS, and these chaps will definitely be making an appearance!

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