Terrain Talk Pt. 11 – Showcase! Kubica Pass Redux

Right, I’m writing this because Dan a) can’t be bothered and b) is clearly a ludicrously talented terrain builder.


Anyway, a bit of background – back in 2016, we came across an eye opening article on DakkaDakka.com by the magnificently talented 3T studios, detailing how to make “Dynamic, Craggy Hills“. We both were struck by the incredibly cinematic beauty of their work and resolved that our stuff would look like that.. one day.. so I sawed off a hardboard rectangle to serve as base, piled paper mache, and chunks of packing polystyrene on board, along with some pebbles and twigs, coated the lot with PVA and and before painting up and flocking. The result was… ok, I suppose, but it was only a few months later when I realised what was bugging me about it – the base.

Nature doesn’t do straight lines.

So Dan scooped up my baby, took it over to his shed with promises of a more organic shaped MDF base, and a few days later produced this:


Bastard. Leopard spotting, cat litter, 3 tone flocking, clump foliage… BASTARD!!!
Curved MDF baseboard… stonework… BASTARD!!!!!
Pictured here with a League of European Nations armoured reconnaissance patrol..
Infantry, support laser and Kugelpanzers
Log and more stonework… BASTARD!!!!

So there we are, proof positive that Dan is a frankly phenomenal terrain builder and kept that pretty bloody quiet! I’m intrigued to see what he comes up with next…

And if you’re wondering why the name – Robert Kubica, one of our motorsport heroes. His return to F1 might not have been the most successful so far, but we’re rooting for you (and Williams) – and if you want an inspirational story, his is up there… tagged as an F1 star of the future, loses most of an arm in horrific crash, 8 years later makes it back to the top of racing.. tiene cojones, Bobby K. So this terrain piece is for you!

Till next time, stay thrifty and we’ll see you soon 😉

7 thoughts on “Terrain Talk Pt. 11 – Showcase! Kubica Pass Redux

  1. Given the frequency of your use of the “B” word, would you feel better about it all if I said it looked complete and utter krap (that’s orkish for “not that good” I’m led to believe)? I thought you might, but unfortunately (as far as you’re concerned) it does look really good! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

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