The Armageddon Diaries Game 4 – Stop Da Stompa!

It was dawn, but human eyes saw only darkness as the corpse pyres of Armageddon’s ash wastes burned ever more fiercely.

The augmented eyes of the Astartes, however, could make out the different types of smoke. These pilllars, for example, might be from human cadavers – but there were also traces of machinery in the background, high octane promethium being guzzled in quantities hard for your average Guard Quartermaster to comprehend.

The lone Blood Angel sentry zoomed in on these traces and saw a looming dark shape, towering over the rabble of greenskins around it. His enhanced senses filtered out most of the visual interference and brought something as close to fear as an Astartes could feel…

Welcome to the fourth game in our slow burning 2nd Ed 40k campaign! And in this episode, having seen Captain Tycho rescued from the greenskin clutches and having watched the Blood Angels go on a remorseless killing spree against the survivors, Warboss Bludguzzla IV has been licking his wounds and kicking his Mekboyz to build him something to “even da skore”…

That something is, of course “Big Red” – as she’s proven HILARIOUSLY oversized as an Epic Great Gargant, we chose to bodge some Stompa stats from an 8th Ed Codex we found online and stack Da Black Ork Cav up against the Blood Angels for another round of Retrohammer!

Da Kav deploy… rather thematically, we’d drawn Linebreaker as an objective while Dan’s Marines had drawn Engage And Destroy… so Da Kav would be seeking to batter their way in to the Blood Angels’ positions while the Marines sought to take down as many of the greenskin scum as they could!
Ready to WAAAGH!
Da Ladz win first turn and set off confidently..
Dan’s Thin Red Line stands ready to greet them! LOts of guns, Devastators, Tactical squad and Terminators making their first appearance…
Ork fire all over the battlefield.. unfortunately, none of it hits the bits where Space Marines are!
Return fire downs some Grots and knocks a couple of guns off Big Red..

Da ladz and da Bosses get ready to pull a drive-by..
The Blood Angels brace for impact!
Under a barrrage of Krak and Melta missiles, the Stompa falls!
Da ladz & bosses get stuck in as Big Red falls!
“‘Ave it!”
Ork Kommand assaults the Devastators on the hill!
Turns out even Devastator Marines are pretty ‘ard..
As Da Management find out!
Surviving Marines enact their counterattack protocol.. it’s not pretty!
But I guess it’s not supposed to be…

And with that, we hand victory very firmly to the Blood Angels – the minute the Stompa hit the ground we were on the back foot, but kudos to Dan, those Marines behaved like Marines!

So.. where do you want to see the campaign go next? Let us know in the comments!

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