Them Ol’ COVID Blues

You find me (once again) in a philosophical mood. I was hoping to be jotting down a post to show off what I’ve been up to the past couple of weeks, but here’s the thing… I haven’t. Haven’t done much of anything really. Truth is, Lockdown II – The Revenge has put me into something of a malaise. Maybe it’s the weather, maybe it’s the shorter days, maybe it’s just the fact that this bloody virus is STILL around and even after all the efforts people and businesses have made to be COVID safe we seem to be back almost to square one again.

Really, I can’t complain, the missus is well, the youngling is a ball of energy completely unaffected by all the tales of woe and worry in the news, and with luck in a couple of weeks I’ll be able to crack open a beer with Jim and push some toy soldiers around. So I’ve no excuse to mope.

But as the good lady (and indeed, Jim) said – sometimes you just feel a bit low. You don’t need an excuse. Particularly under the current circumstances. I think there is an attritional element at work here – this thing has ground on for SO long now, it’s almost like the mental health equivalent of viral loading.

So I’d like to use this post to reach out and touch base with any of you out there in hobbyland who are struggling a bit, maybe having the odd little wobble – it’s okay to have an off day. Or an off week, even. Just take it a day at a time, an hour at at time even, reach out to the people around you – even online, as some of us are cooped up on their own. We’re all stuck in this shit together for now, maybe joining hands makes the situation more bearable.

Right, couple of pics of stuff I have started getting done now I’m off my arse and done feeling sorry for myself:

More work on the retro Blood Angels – 2nd tactical squad underway!
Bit of experimental terrain – based on the same corrugated plastic that I used for the Orc movement tray, this is for our urban board (if we ever get to use it again, grumble, grumble). I figure straight lines look a bit more appropriate in a city environment, and the thickness of this stuff scales well with the 1/72 troops as pavement.
Different view – the ruined walls are scrap foamboard, cat litter for rubble and everything coated with home made texture paste. Primed black and then drybrushed up gradually with blue grey, red, and then lighter greys, some thin washes in there too (thanks to Luke APS for that idea, and a million other great ones to try)
Finished off with Garage Floor Dust (TM) and Jarvis flock

So there we go then folks, hope you enjoyed that, and I’d like to thank all of the hobby guys in our community – IRO, Pete S/P, John@JustNeedsVarnish, Whittlesey40k and all you other folks out there in hobbyland – our little community is a tremendous boost to morale and I hope in our own way we can pay it forward. Hang tough folks, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna are coming to the rescue, this time next year we’ll probably be reminiscing about how nice it was to have some down time….

Stay safe and thrifty out there, see you soon

9 thoughts on “Them Ol’ COVID Blues

  1. I hear you. I do hope in 6 months we’ll see a definate improvement in the situation. I’m just glad that we have our hobby to keep us occupied and the internet to share it and connect with each other.

    That ruin is really great by the way. I really like it. Will you be doing more in the same style?



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    1. Cheers Pete, yeah, I think so, vaccination programs are ready to roll out, spring and summer weather helps keep it suppressed.. I’m more worried about the smaller local businesses, to be honest, our favourite independent bars and pubs.. 😬 yes, we’re lucky to have that! 😅 Very good for morale 👍

      Thanks! Yeah, now I’ve tried out the materials I’ll be making a bunch of them, want to have a big urban game… Remember, the Holy Soviet Empire invaded Scotland last year 🤣 we need to do a follow on game!

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  2. I think everyone’s feeling a little down at the moment. Whether it’s because it’s the run up to Xmas, or just because we’re going through all this again, but Lockdown II is a bit more depressing than the first one. The sequel’s never as good!

    But there’s nothing like some 90s Blood Angels to pick me up 😍

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