More Accidental Tyranids – Hive Fleet Imprudens Reinforced!

Ebay should come with a health warning. “Based on your previous purchases, you may like…” it simpered innocently at me. And before I knew it I’d snapped another 10 Genestealers for a project that was an accident in the first damn place.

Still, it WAS a good deal – £4.95 including postage for what turned out to be 10 minis, all in more or less good shape.. and after a little bit of selfless internet research, I discovered that Andy Champers (praise be upon him) had in fact written a Genestealer Cult army list as well as a Tyranid Invasion Force for the 2nd Ed Tyranid Codex, and you can download it FREE (and I believe legally) here. I got my copy and have yet to be held to ransom by Russian gangsters… (touches wood just in case).

This is just a quickie post as there really is nothing new here, I painted these lads in exactly the same way I did the previous two waves, but we’re up to 24 models now which is a fairly decent horde (and I’ve probably given the game away for my next plans for them…)

Note a couple of tentacles bodged from greenstuff in place of missing arms.. arms which I subsequently found in the packaging… sigh.
A couple of subtle differences in the shades of wash and basing as I had to hand mix these colours having run out in the period since we last encountered them…
If you look closely you’ll see the basing materials are a little different as I lost my pot of Garage Floor Dust (TM) and used a dab of Dry Garden Soil (TM)…
But on the whole I think they mix pretty well!
Ole’ Six-Eyes leads his newly reinforced brood forward…
..and here they are in action against their spiritual foes, Dan’s 1991 Blood Angel Terminators!
“They’re coming out of the walls! They’re coming out of the Throne-damned walls!”

I’m actually quite chuffed with these, for an accidental maintaining-sanity-during-COVID project they’ve come out OK and are forming into a nice little army.. of course, in Skinflint style these lads will be pulling extra duty, not just for 40k (and if all the rumours surrounding 10th edition having free rules and datasheets and no codexes are to be believed, then HELL YES we’ll be all over that!), but also different flavours of Space Crusade and another Space based GW classic.. plus of course a ’90s classic rule set that was rather overlooked back in the day that we’ve been trying like hell to figure out..

..and maybe these lads will crop up in the jungles of Armageddon too? I mean, you never really know what’s lurking out there…

Stay safe and thrifty out there, and keep watching the skies!

More Accidental Tyranids – Hive Fleet Imprudens Complete (For Now..)

I love it when a plan comes together.

Especially when there wasn’t really a plan in the first place.

You may have seen in the first post how an accidental purchase by Dan’s young son

(Artists rendering)
  • gave birth to yet another little side project, as he’d managed to purchase a box of Genestealers and Tyranids through our joint eBay account, ironically enough getting a pretty good deal! I inherited them from Dan back before Lockdown III – Rise Of The Revenge struck, my compadre realising that even his hobby ADHD would struggle to cope with yet another project, and I figured that these gribblies would be a good OPFOR for something like Space Hulk, Space Crusade or even outside the 40k universe as acid-for-blood-they’re-coming-out-of-the-goddamn-walls-man generic baddies, and got the first few painted back late last year.

But the last few lay in their tupperware box, in various states of disrepair and different coloured primers, silently entreating me “Father, give me legs”… and I could only hold out for so long. There were a few missing limbs, requiring tentacles bodged from greenstuff, but in the main they came together pretty well.

Foreground ‘Stealer has a homemade tentacle… I followed the same paint scheme as last time, but was a little bit hit and miss mixing up the colours to match with the first group.. however, Vallejo Smokey Ink covers all sins, and a bone drybrush covers any that the wash misses! The first group are slightly pinker but I think overall it works out OK
Hybrid – this guy got a rock glued to his base to stop him falling over..
Look closely enough and this little guy has an arm for a leg… however, I didn’t realise until painting… and it’s all in the name of biodiversity!
Patriarch (Ol’ Six Eyes) leads his brood forward
I believe this chap is a shout out to the RT- era Ymgarl genestealer
Surging forward over the polystyrene ruins.. sucks to be a Grot here!

I know Dan’s Blood Angels are going to have a Terminator squad amongst their number, so I’m looking forward to trying some Space Hulk out in a few months when (hopefully) freedom will reign once again.. till then, stay safe, sane and thrifty out there, some good stuff coming in the next few weeks!

Accidental Tyranids! Hive Fleet Imprudens

So as a second lockdown looms it’s time to pick up the brushes and look for new diversions to keep oneself sane.. and for these I have to thank Dan, and specifically his youngling, a small boy of five who, and I quote Dan here “can hack my phone but can’t put his socks on unaided”.

Genius can take many forms, my friend.

Anyway, long story short, I’d gotten hold of some Blood Angel decals from the very kind Whittlesey40k to help with Dan’s 1991 Blood Angels Tribute Act army; meanwhile, Dan’s son had gotten hold of his dad’s phone, found the Tyranid job lot on eBay he’d been keeping watch on and accidentally (?) bought them… To be fair, it looks like he’d got quite a good deal!

So in thanks for the decals, and in part due to having both the Blood Angels and an Orc army on the go for fantasy, Dan passed the ‘Nids on to me, figuring we can use them for Space Hulk, Space Crusade and similar. So far I’ve stripped, primed and painted up the models that were already completed, but there’s a good few still to come. So, pics:

After! Note the three headed chap – cool conversion, but not one I can take credit for…
Close up on Ol’ Six Eyes and his pet (a Ripper, I have subsequently discovered)
My guide…
White prime, bone craft paint thinned with acrylic medium as a base coat (yes- two thin coats. Duncan, be proud). Lacking Carrobourg Crimson for a wash, I attempot to mix my own…
Yeah, not 100% successful. Behold the Pinkening!
Slightly more success home mixing equivalents to the other colours Duncan used, and here’s the end result!
Ol’ Six Eyes – I think he’ll be the boss…
With Dan’s Blood Angels – doubt we’ll be doing this again for a while, sadly :-/

So there we go, a new set of toys, a new diversion, and something new to look forward to when this next lockdown ends… assuming it does!

Stay safe and sane out there folks, all things pass – we’ll see you again soon